An image of Raw Beet Salad with Apples, Carrots and Pomegranate set on a white plate.

Raw Beet Salad with Apples, Carrots and Pomegranate

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An image of Raw Beet Salad with Apples, Carrots and Pomegranate set on a white plate. There is a yellow flower next to the plate.


Beetroot – Slightly Underrated Vegetable

Some vegetables are so popular that very few people can imagine not having them in their diet. Could you, for example, live without potatoes or tomatoes? Or (even if this is not your immediate thought) – without onions or garlic? The answer will probably be “no”. Simply, even if you don’t eat them raw, they are essential ingredients of so many meals.

But some other vegetables we use infrequently. We either don’t like them, we don’t know them, or we don’t know how to utilize them. In my opinion, beetroot belongs to that group of vegetables.

And this is such a shame because beets are so healthy. They are a very good source of fibre, potassium, folic acid, and manganese. Thanks to the beta cyanine, beetroot has detoxifying properties which make it especially healthy for the liver.

If you add to the list of benefits its positive influence on the heart (decreasing blood pressure), you shouldn’t be surprised some people even call it a superfood.

Although in the part of Europe where I come from we eat quite a lot of beetroot, I have a feeling we are stuck with a few dishes: beetroot soup (borscht), a simple side dish of grated and maybe a small variety of salads. All of these meals we make with cooked beetroot.


Raw Beet Salad – a Different Way of Eating This Healthy Vegetable

But do you know we can also eat raw beets? They probably won’t be as sweet as, e.g., the roasted ones but they will add a nice crunch to your salad. And obviously, they will be even healthier than the cooked beets.

When I was preparing the Raw Beet Salad, I used a mandolin slicer to cut all the vegetables into thin julienne. But you could simply coarsely grate them instead. Oh, and the last note: the Raw Beet Salad tastes even better the next day. Which is great news because you can prepare it in the evening and take it to school or work the next day.

An image of Raw Beet Salad with Apples, Carrots and Pomegranate set on a white plate.

Raw Beet Salad with Apples, Carrots and Pomegranate

Raw Beet Salad with Apples, Carrots and Pomegranate 1Agnieszka Weiner
A delicious and very healthy salad made with raw beetroot, apples, and carrots.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 4 people


  • 1 beetroot
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 apples
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 2 handfuls walnuts broken into smaller pieces


  • 5 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
  • salt and pepper.


  • Peel carrots and beetroot.
  • Using a mandolin slicer cut the vegetbales and the apples into thin julienne strips (you could also simply grate them).
  • Deseed the pomegranate.
  • Put the cut/grated ingredients to a big bowl, add the pomegranate seeds, walnuts and stir.
  • Whisk all the dressing ingredients and add to the salad, stir again.
Keyword beet salad, beet salad with apples, raw beet salad, raw beetroot recipe, raw beets salad
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An image of Raw Beet Salad with Apples, Carrots and Pomegranate set on a white plate.

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