Beetroot and Apple Soup – A New Addition to My Beet Soup Repertoire
If you had asked me a few months ago about beetroot soup, I could have probably come up with only three types:
- Traditional Polish clear beetroot soup “barszcz” which can be served with little dumplings,
- Ukrainian borsch, with the addition of many vegetables, and
- A cold beetroot soup with yoghurt called “chłodnik”.
However, this recently changed when I went to a restaurant and tried an absolutely delicious and different Beetroot and Apple Soup.
I liked it so much that I decided to re-create it in my kitchen.
It wasn’t that easy because the soup in the restaurant was liquidised. That meant I didn’t know any of the ingredients other than the beetroot and apples.
I am not sure if the taste of my soup is similar to the one tried in the restaurant. But nevertheless, I was extremely happy with my delicious Beetroot and Apple Soup!

Beetroot and Apple Soup [vegetarian]
- 3-4 beetroots (weighing approx. 650g)
- 1 red onion
- 2-3 apples (approx. 600g)
- 0.5 l vegetable stock
- 1 tbsp honey
- salt and pepper.
- a few walnuts broken into pieces, to serve
- some goats' cheese crumbled, for garnish
- Preheat an oven to 180 Celsius degrees (fan oven).
- Wash the beetroot, dry it and wrap tightly with aluminium foil, put in the hot oven for 30 minutes.
- Peel the onion, cover with foil and put in the oven next to the beetroot for further 15 minutes.
- Cut the apples in halves, cut the cores, put the matching halves together and wrap tightly with aluminium foil, put in the oven along with beetroot and onion for 45 minutes.
- Peel the beetroot and apples, put in the food processor with the onion and process on high till smooth.
- Combine with the stock, bring to boil, add 1 tbsp honey and the seasoning.
- Serve the soup with walnuts and goat’s cheese.